Competitive Programs


Provincial Competitive Program

The Provincial stream program runs from the end of August to the end of May/early June.

Swimmers will practice 2 to 3 times per week, which allows for the time to develop solid synchro skills and prepare a team routine for competition. Our Provincial swimmers compete in 4 age group categories:

  • 10 and Under;

  • 11-12;

  • 13-15; and

  • JR (16-20).

These athletes all compete in local, regional, provincial and inter-provincial competitions.

It is important to note that athletes compete as the age they will be on December 31, 2022 (the upcoming 2021 competitive season). For example, if your child is born in October 2008 (as of June 2021 they are currently 11 years old), they will be registered and will compete as a 13-year-old, since they will turn 13 in the year that the majority of competitions will be held for the 2022 season.


National Competitive Program

Waterloo's  High Performance program is for athletes who desire to train and compete at a high-performance level. Swimmers practice 4 times per week, refining their technical skills and bringing their performance to the next level.

To be part of the High performance program, swimmers must be experienced athletes who have already competed successfully in the Provincial or National stream. The High Performance program runs from September to June, however, athletes may continue to train during the summer in preparation for High Performance and Provincial team camps and or competitions.

Depending on their age, an HP athlete swims in one of 2 categories:

  • 13-15;

  • Junior 

Athletes compete in regional, provincial, national, and international competitions.